Embroidered Blazer – OOTD

I have always been fascinated by emboidered blouses and how carefully they are made and sewn. Their details always have a special meaning and represent a memorable event of some sort of peoples. The catchy look is however a very simple one : the ”background”/main color of the clothing item is white and has some colored details like flowers or floral designs. I am pretty … Continuă să citești Embroidered Blazer – OOTD

Discover the heart of the forest – OOTD

RO : Un soare arzător și o arșiță insuportabilă.. cam de asta avem parte în ultima vreme. Lăsând la mare distanță jungla urbană, descoperim ceea ce în copilărie consideram un adevărat paradis. Pictată în milioane de tente de verde, pădurea încă ascunde o deosebită atmosferă, unde totul pare ireal de plăcut. Cu rucsăcelul vișiniu în spate și purtând o ținută foarte casual, am pornit să ”explorez” … Continuă să citești Discover the heart of the forest – OOTD

All natural & lovely crochet dress – OOTD

Nothing is more attractive than confidence. Well, I know that everyone says this but at some point we will feel it on our skin someday. Me, for example, I feel so confortable when I DO NOT wear make-up and I`m fresh. Sometimes make-up will make us look more tired that we really are. I rarely use foundation, eyeshadow, mascara , eyeliner. I have to admit, … Continuă să citești All natural & lovely crochet dress – OOTD

Baby Roses & Crochet Dress – Romantic look

The only things that really counts in life are moments and memories. There are always those days when you have nothing planned, you step outside, admire the amazing nature and smile for no reason. No matter what age you are or how you look like – it is that kind of happiness which brights your soul and makes you think positive. Sometimes the smallest things … Continuă să citești Baby Roses & Crochet Dress – Romantic look

Black Crochet T-Shirt & Neon Skirt – Summer`s must have

I always had a big crush on crochet&lacy clothing items. I mean –  how could you not love them?! Wherever you would wear this style you will get compliments and catch everyone`s attention. I remember that when I was little, my grandma made me a white crochet blouse with small red flowers on it – I simply adored it at that time! I was so amazed … Continuă să citești Black Crochet T-Shirt & Neon Skirt – Summer`s must have

Floral Print Blouse & Peplum Skirt-OOTD

It`s almost weekend and everything around me seems to be so quiet and relaxing. It`s that nature`s recall when you need to step outside, get some fresh air , remind yourself of who you are and who you wanna be. It`s always you that discover new feelings and wishes. We are so complicated but only simple things can make us really happy. I love flowers … Continuă să citești Floral Print Blouse & Peplum Skirt-OOTD