Vibes of Fall – Polka dot Dress & Fur Vest

Every leaf that”s falling down counts every second, every emotion, every thought. Autumn has its special way to impress us and the atmoshpere is totally cooperating with it. Some days are warm, some of them windy, but there is a balance between. One of my ”go to” outfits this season in a outfit that integrates a polka-dots short dress, boots and why not, a fur … Continuă să citești Vibes of Fall – Polka dot Dress & Fur Vest

What I wore in the first day of school – Senior Year

There were emotions and some worries but I knew it was the time. I walked a little bit shy and thought of all the memories that I reached there. The idea that a new chapter of life is just beginning doesn’t scare me at all, I got used to do new things. I understood that life is about choices and decisions, we are the decisions … Continuă să citești What I wore in the first day of school – Senior Year

My 1st day of School Outfit

Hello my dear friends! How do you do? Aproape că nici nu-mi vine să cred cât de repede a trecut timpul și implicit, vacanța de vară. Dimineață când a sunat alarma telefonului am crezut că e o glumă, însă realitatea avea alte planuri. De obicei îmi trebuie mult timp pentru a mă pregăti, eu fiind o fire perfecționistă, dar astăzi cam în jumătate de oră … Continuă să citești My 1st day of School Outfit