Little Red Dress -OOTD

Nature is always the answer when freedom is the question. I can say that nothing amazes me more than the wonderful and eternal alive places. Life is about exploring and re-visiting old places, remembering past memories and re-live those times. In the heart of a small mountain-town, hidden from eye-wise there is a magical resort with breath-taking views. It is the place where heaven touches the Earth, … Continuă să citești Little Red Dress -OOTD

Summer 2k15`s obsession : White Hollow Crochet Blouse <3

Should I say again how much I love hollow crochet-lace items? Well, I guess my blog`s name should`ve been `Lace Obsession` haha. Without kidding, lace-crochet gives a special and elegant touch to the entire look. It is just perfect for summer because its little holes keep you chilly. This lovely blouse can be worn with skirts, jumpsuits, shorts or jeans – it depends on where … Continuă să citești Summer 2k15`s obsession : White Hollow Crochet Blouse <3

Black Crochet T-Shirt & Neon Skirt – Summer`s must have

I always had a big crush on crochet&lacy clothing items. I mean –  how could you not love them?! Wherever you would wear this style you will get compliments and catch everyone`s attention. I remember that when I was little, my grandma made me a white crochet blouse with small red flowers on it – I simply adored it at that time! I was so amazed … Continuă să citești Black Crochet T-Shirt & Neon Skirt – Summer`s must have

Lovely Embroidered Blouse & a big smile

It`s been a little while since I my heart smiled – in general I am happy, but not at all ; or satisfied with everything – I want to obtain the better version of myself. Sometimes you just have to accept things just the way they are, feel the moment and enjoy everything possible. Over years you`ll feel sorry for something that you could have done … Continuă să citești Lovely Embroidered Blouse & a big smile

Floral Print Blouse & Peplum Skirt-OOTD

It`s almost weekend and everything around me seems to be so quiet and relaxing. It`s that nature`s recall when you need to step outside, get some fresh air , remind yourself of who you are and who you wanna be. It`s always you that discover new feelings and wishes. We are so complicated but only simple things can make us really happy. I love flowers … Continuă să citești Floral Print Blouse & Peplum Skirt-OOTD

Make-up Tutorial : Inspiration – Ami in ”Playa En Costa Rica”

Hello September! Please be good to me… Hainele subțiri zac în grămezi uriașe pe patul din dormitor ; pe jos, săndăluțele și pantofii își caută perechea, așteptând cu tristețe să fie așezați într-un dulap din care abia evadaseră acum câteva luni.. Totul pare să aibă un iz de tristețe… A venit toamna 😀 Pregătirile fiind în toi, pe fundal se rulează melodii soft cu acorduri vibrante. … Continuă să citești Make-up Tutorial : Inspiration – Ami in ”Playa En Costa Rica”