Embroidered Blazer – OOTD

I have always been fascinated by emboidered blouses and how carefully they are made and sewn. Their details always have a special meaning and represent a memorable event of some sort of peoples. The catchy look is however a very simple one : the ”background”/main color of the clothing item is white and has some colored details like flowers or floral designs. I am pretty … Continuă să citești Embroidered Blazer – OOTD

How to wear a lace bralet – casual&sexy look

It is a cliché that bralets are just undewears and you cannot wear them without anything over! Well, some parts of the sentence are true, but you can also wear bralets without being judged by others. How? Firstly, to make things clear, there is a difference between a bra and bralet : you cannot wear a bra as a shirt (except for going to sea/pool). Bralets … Continuă să citești How to wear a lace bralet – casual&sexy look

Vintage Dress & Flash Tattoos – Embrace the Sun

The only things that can compete with the sun”s rays are gold and… Flash Tattoos! I know that everyone has been obsessed with them all this summer and to be honest, they are really great and look amazing on the skin. They can also replace accesories and give to the enitre look a gently touch of elegance. Being very easy to apply and wear, flash … Continuă să citești Vintage Dress & Flash Tattoos – Embrace the Sun

Discover the heart of the forest – OOTD

RO : Un soare arzător și o arșiță insuportabilă.. cam de asta avem parte în ultima vreme. Lăsând la mare distanță jungla urbană, descoperim ceea ce în copilărie consideram un adevărat paradis. Pictată în milioane de tente de verde, pădurea încă ascunde o deosebită atmosferă, unde totul pare ireal de plăcut. Cu rucsăcelul vișiniu în spate și purtând o ținută foarte casual, am pornit să ”explorez” … Continuă să citești Discover the heart of the forest – OOTD