Autumn feeling & White Crochet Blouse : OOTD

Autumn is not a season, autumn is a vibrant feeling. I see Autumn like an endless transition, the capacity of remaining beautiful no matter what happens around : even if the leaves die, they become yellow, orange or brown and dress the enitre nature in amazing shades. I just love to walk through multicoloured leaves, take them and then throw all the beautiful ”butterflies” in … Continuă să citești Autumn feeling & White Crochet Blouse : OOTD

Summer 2k15`s obsession : White Hollow Crochet Blouse <3

Should I say again how much I love hollow crochet-lace items? Well, I guess my blog`s name should`ve been `Lace Obsession` haha. Without kidding, lace-crochet gives a special and elegant touch to the entire look. It is just perfect for summer because its little holes keep you chilly. This lovely blouse can be worn with skirts, jumpsuits, shorts or jeans – it depends on where … Continuă să citești Summer 2k15`s obsession : White Hollow Crochet Blouse <3

Lovely Embroidered Blouse & a big smile

It`s been a little while since I my heart smiled – in general I am happy, but not at all ; or satisfied with everything – I want to obtain the better version of myself. Sometimes you just have to accept things just the way they are, feel the moment and enjoy everything possible. Over years you`ll feel sorry for something that you could have done … Continuă să citești Lovely Embroidered Blouse & a big smile

Fashion Haul – Autumn Edition

Hello friends! Am spus ”Adio!” hainelor multicolore de vară și, asculând ”Sweater weather” , priveam cum grăbita tomnă își face apariția în pași de dans. Explozia de culori pur și simplu mă inspiră! Cred că de accea sunt mai visătoare și creativă 😀 Îmi scot hainele special pregătite pentru acest sezon, iar, ca de obicei, constat ”mirată” că nu am îndeajuns! Ce pot spune, un adevărat … Continuă să citești Fashion Haul – Autumn Edition