Nothing can be as perfect as a day spent with the people you love : they brighten your day, bring the best in you and create the unforgettable memories. My friends made me who I am, because without them I could not realise the real taste of life. Even their absence taught me important things – appreciating encouragement for example.
I believe that this outfit is just perfect for spare time, especially when you hang out with your friends, family or you`re going on a trip. The dress looks vintage a little bit and it`s very comfy – for some of us this clothing item may seem too short, so you can wear it as a top. Its unique details look very catchy and inspiring – should I mention that they look great in pics?
My outfit couldn`t have been complete without a pair of Adidas SuperStar, the comfy shoes that I`ve been wearing a lot lately. Forget about heels, you don`t need them to be a diva 🙂
P.S. Many thanks to my new photographer
Un pic cam scurta, dar iti sta minunat <3.
Pe site aparea ca este pana la genunchi ☹️
Te pup
Pe manechin pare mai lunga iar pe tine arata frumos dar seamănă cu o bluza puțin mai lunga! Imi place mult modelul
Si pe mine tot modelul m-a atras, imi pare rau insa ca este atat de scurta 🙁
That dress is so lovely. what a sweet pattern. And those legs, dear!! They are so sexy and exciting, I enjoyed them very much 😉 Wow!
All Things Bright and Lovely