Midnight thoughts

Oare cate ganduri nespuse se ascund in spatele unui zambet? Cate dorinte sfasietoare si dezamagiri profunde se zdrobesc in nu mai putin de o privire? Cate lacrimi, surasuri si suspine au urmat dupa un cuvant spus in graba? Cate nopti nedormite, cearcane parca pictate si dureri de cap crancene au urmat dupa un gest facut in graba? Cu totii ravnim fericirea, insa traim cu multa intensitate nostalgia, frica, durerea…
Vindem iluzii cu fiecare cuvant spus..Ne mintim chiar si pe noi insine.. E normal? E uman? Simt ca nu mai exista acea „substanta” a vietii, cred ca s-a pierdut printre paginile cartilor.. si doar acolo le putem regasi.. Dar ce folos? Cati dintre noi mai citesc si incerarca sa desprinda modele (bune) din ceea ce citesc? Am ajuns sa nu mai simt nimic.. Ei bine, poate uneori doar tristete, dezamagire si.. un fior rece din cauza superficialitatii.. si faptul ca nu simt nimic..
EN : I wonder.. how many unspoken thoughts are hiding behind a smile? How many heartbreaking wishes and deep disillusions are dashing in at least one look? How many tears,grins and moans had followed a word said in haste? How many sleepless nights, painted dark circles around the eyes and awfully headaches came after a hasty gesture? All of us are craving happiness, but we`re still living wistfulness, the fear, the pain with so much intensity…
We are selling illusions with every unspoken word.. We`re even lying to ourselves.. Is it normal? Is it human? I feel like that “substance of life“ is gone far aways.. I guess it`s lost through the pages of books.. and there is the only place where we can find it.. But what would it help? How many of us are reading and still trying to find their good model?   We all feel nothing.. Well, maybe sometimes we feel sadness, disappoinment and.. a cold thrill because of the superficiality.. and the fact that we don`t feel anything…
Today changes with you!
XoXo, Ale

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